In Memory Of

This site has been prepared
in loving memory of
Paul Edgar Brown (1909-1999)
Pauline Beulah Kinsey Brown (1910-1987)

I am Bette Ina Brown, daughter of Paul E. Brown and Pauline Kinsey Brown, born
April 1, 1936 in Molly Stark, the TB hospital in Stark County, Ohio. My
tombstone is already set on Section D, Quadrant II, Lot 136 in the Augusta Cemetery.
I never lived in Carroll County,
Ohio until August 2004. At that time I moved with a purpose from Casper,
Wyoming to a home built by Embert Leatherberry on Kensington Road in Augusta,
Ohio. That purpose was to help preserve the history found in the Augusta
Cemetery that was instilled in me by my father.
On every trip to Augusta my father would give the family a tour of the Cemetery.
He would tell us about the wonderful friends and family he loved who are buried
here. In fact, shortly before he died in 1999, I gave him a copy of
Carroll County Ohio Cemeteries, Volume I and asked him to write what he
remembered about those listed there.
In the summer of 2000 I came
to Augusta for a visit. I took his notes to my “personal review panel”
for advice. That panel consisted of the surviving sisters of my mother,
Pauline Kinsey Brown. They were: Christina Ossler, Dorothy Locke, Emma
Rhodes and Evelyn Kinsey. Also on the panel were my mother's sister-in-law,
Naomi Kinsey, and my mother's niece, Mary Lou Turnipseed Garrett. The
panel had a great evening reading over his notes and reminiscing.
When I returned home from this visit, my life changed drastically on several
fronts. The briefcase that contained Dad’s notes and the comments offered
by my “review panel” remained locked in the briefcase for the next five years.
In 2005 I was ready to open his memories and use them as a basis for documenting
the rich history of the people who came before us and called Augusta, Ohio,
My father was born in Stark County
in 1909. He moved to Augusta in 1916. After high school he taught
at Eureka, the one-room school in Augusta Township. He was forever close
to his fellow teacher, Pearle Cameron Pieren.
In the 1930’s he moved to Summit and Stark Counties to teach, and during that
time he also attended and graduated from Kent State University. In 1932
my mother, who had tuberculosis and been confined to the Molly Stark Sanatorium
for some years, was threatened with eviction because she was not a resident
of Stark County. She had been my father's next-door neighbor in Augusta,
but she needed to be a Stark County resident to stay in the hospital.
Thus they were married in 1932. After the marriage she returned to the
hospital. Several years later she returned to live with us in Massillon,
During the ensuing years, my
father attended William McKinley School of Law while continuing to teach school.
He taught a total of eighteen years before he began his law practice part time.
During those lean years, I was the best secretary he could afford. He
took me to the Stark County Courthouse and taught me to do abstracting.
He taught me much that was useful in my working career.
But most especially I had the opportunity to observe his devotion to his childhood
friends. It is my hope when I open my briefcase, his words will come to
life on the pages of this web site. I must warn you: he was not “politically
correct” by today’s standards. I had some concern about “editing” his
comments. My review panel was horrified by that idea. So, please
remember he was born in a different era. That generation may not have
been as enlightened as we are today about political correctness, but they possessed
a love and devotion to one another that may be disappearing from sight today.
This web site is because of my wonderful father, Paul Edgar Brown, and his devotion
to the people of Augusta, Ohio, and is put together in memory of him and my
mother, Pauline Kinsey Brown.
Bette Ina Brown